About us...


How we came to be...

Table Rock Dairy is owned and operated by Lauralee Wallace and husband Dan.  They originally purchased the farm to live a more self sustaining lifestyle and to raise their family away from "big city" life.

Lauralee first discovered a love for soap making when she was working on her degree in Molecular Biology.  The chemistry of soap making and how it worked to clean fascinated her, but at the time, pursuing a career in the science of soap did not seem sustainable with living a rural lifestyle.

She discovered goat milk soap many years later when a friend recommended it for her chronically dry skin.  She was hooked immediately, and her love for the science of soap was reborn.  She began making her own soap from store bought goat milk. She gave it to friends and family, and researched all things soap to find the recipe for the perfect bar of soap.

Purchasing commercial goat milk was costly and not organic. Goats would need to come to the homestead, and she began researching the goat that would best meet all of her needs to produce milk not just for soap, but for all things dairy for her and her family.

There are so many goat breeds out there, but the Mini-Nubian seemed the perfect fit for her needs. It is a smaller goat than standard breeds, making it easier to manage. It is not too small that it still produces ample milk.  It also tends to produce a milk of higher fat content than a standard Nubian and this is important for soap, but also for cheese and butter.

Once the goats arrived and the milk began to flow, soap making went into overdrive!  Her friends and family couldn't use it fast enough, and Table Rock Dairy goat milk soaps and lotions was born! Our line has expanded to include lotions, sugar scrubs, bubble bombs, and lip balms.

We now have several wholesale accounts in California in addition to our online store, and you can also find us at the Weed Farmers market in Weed, CA.
