Sticker Packs
Sticker Packs
We currently offer the stickers in two different packs, giving you a variety of our available stickers at a reduced price. As new stickers are added to the inventory, the package offerings will also change. If the packages don't interest you, each sticker can also be purchased individually.
BLUE FOX Creation Pack: includes one each of Nod the goose, Pullet the cat, Poppy the goat, and our logo with the local landscape. These were created for us by the amazing Mimi Bailey at Blue Fox Creations 4 stickers for $7.00
The GOAT pack: include one each of Luna, Gloss Logo, and the gloss ans Matte logo 3 stickers for $5.25
If you are ordering ONLY stickers, and NO OTHER products, you may enter PROMO code STICKERS for free shipping. Please do not use this code if you are ordering stickers along with other products as free shipping is offered for stickers only, and this will undoubtedly delay your shipping.